Dr. Abdulrahman Helli

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Islamische Studien)

Campus Bockenheim
Juridicum 103b
Senckenberganlage 31
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49-(0)69-798-33286

E-Mail: Helli@em.uni-frankfurt.de



Dr. Helli is a PostDoc of project „LOEWE-Religiöse Positionierung-Islamische Studien“. He was Professor of Qur’anic studies at Damascus University (2004-2006), and Aleppo University (2006-2013) in Syria, and has been a PostDoc-fellow of the research program „Europe in the Middle East-The Middle East in Europe – EUME“ Berlin 2013/14, and a visiting scholar at the Freie Universität Berlin 2014-17. He focused on the issues of freedom of belief and religious pluralism in the Qur’an. He has published widely in Arabic in the field of Islamic and Qur’anic studies.


  • Qur’anic Studies (primary area of specialization).

  • Religious Freedom, Pluralism and Diversity.

  • Religious Education and Scientific Research Methods.



Introduction to curriculum of research and writing. Beirut: Namaa Center for Research and Studies, 2017, 160 p. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34453321

The Messages of all Prophets: One Religion and Many Laws (Risalat al-anbiya‘:din wahid wa shara’i‘ ‚iddat) Beirut: Namaa Center for Research and Studies, 2015, 384 p. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28117119

Tafsīir: A Textbook. Aleppo: Aleppo University, 2012, 317 p.

Series in the Quranic Concepts. Aleppo: Dar Al-Multaqa, 2011(5 issues).

The Freedom of Belief in the Quran (Hurriyyat al-I’tiqaad fil Quran), Beirut: Al-Markaz Athaqafi Alarabi, 2001, 213p. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13033558


  • Book Review “Major Themes of the Qur’an.” Malaysia: International Islamic University, ALTAJDID, Issue No 39, (2016): 281-291.
  • Book Review “Modernity and the Holocaust” Nama Center for Research and Studies (website), 11.07.2014.
  • Book Review “The Future of Islam in the East and the West”, Malaysia: International Islamic University, AL-TAJDID, Issue No. 24 (2008): 226-240
    Book Review “Mystical Dimensions of Islam” ”, Malaysia: International Islamic University,
    AL-TAJDID, Issue No. 20 (2006): 215-221
  • Book Review “The Prospects of the Arab Renaissance and Globalization” Tunisia: Al-Hayat
    al-Thaqafiya, Issue No.133 (2002).
  • Book Review „Islam between the Message and the History“ Amman: IIIT, Islamiyyat al Ma’rifah, Issue No. 27 (2002): 141-166.

Aufsätze in Zeitschriften

 “The concept of AlBirr (Righteousness) and the Quranic ethical system: structure and context.” Brill: Journal of Islamic Ethics, Volume 1, Issue No.1-2 (2017): 122 – 157.

„Approaches to the Goals (Maqasid) of the Qur’an: An Historical Study“ Malaysia: International Islamic University, AL-TAJDID, Issue No. 39A -Special Issue (2016): 193-234

„Iben Achour’s Induction of the Quranic expression in his book Al-tahrir and Al-tanweer“ Tunisia: Al-Zaytuna University, Al-mishkat, Issue No. 13-14 (2015-2016).

„Rules of Interpretation: Origin and Evolution and its Relevance to other Sciences“ Oman: Al-Tafahum Magazine, Issue No. 45 (2014): 85-108

„The History of Interpretation from the Perspective of Sheikh Mohammed Fadhel Ben Achour in his book Al- Tafsīir wa Rijaluh / Qur’anic Interpretation and its men“ Riyadh: Qur’anic Studies Journal, University Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Issue No. 11 (2012): 535-594.

„Combination of Righteous Deeds and Faith in the Holy Quran and its Cultural Connotations“ Damascus: Damascus University, R. J. of Damascus Univ., Law and Economic Sciences Series, Vol. 27, Issue No. 03 (2011): 439-463 http://www.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/mag/law/images/stories/439439-463.pdf

„Tafsīir (Explanation) and Taʾ’wīil (Interpretation) in Qur’anic Sciences: A Conceptual Study“, Malaysia: International Islamic University, AL-TAJDID, Issue No. 30 (2011): 11-35


„The Absolute and the Relative of the Prophetic Sunnah“ Amman: IIIT, Islamiyyat al Ma’rifah, Issue No. 61 (2010): 79-110.


„The Absolute and the Relative of the Qur’an: An Applied Study of Surah al-Tawbah“ Malaysia: International Islamic University, AL-TAJDID, Issue No. 26 (2009): 51-78

„The Qur’anic Levels of Approach of Dealing with the Text“ Rabat: Al-Ihyaa, No. 28 (2008).

„The Structure of Quran as an Input to Re-read“ Rabat: Al-Ihyaa, No. 27 (2008): 104-111.

„The Meaning of The Book: A Conceptual Qur’anic Study“ Malaysia: International Islamic University, AL-TAJDID, Issue No. 21 (2007): 11-44

„Al-Asmaa (Names) and Al-Kalimat (Words): A Conceptual Study of the Qur’an“ Malaysia: International Islamic University, AL-TAJDID, Issue No. 19 (2006): 11-34.

„The Illiterate One and the Illiterate people: An Conceptual Approach“ Beirut: Al- Hayat alTayyiba, Issue No. 17 (2005): 347-356.

„The Arabic Society before Islam: A Qur’anic Study“ Oman: Al- Tasamuh, Issue No. 09 (2005): 124-145.

„The Veiling of Women: The Cultural Context and Textual Indication“ Tunisia: Arab Journal of Human Rights, Issue No. 11 (2005): 21-33.

„Methodology of Messages and the Indications of the Sealing of Prophecy“ Amman: IIIT, Islamiyyat al Ma’rifah, Issue No. 40 (2005): 47-76.

„Qur’anic Concepts and Terms: A Systematic Approach“ Amman: IIIT, Islamiyyat al Ma’rifah, Issue No. 35 (2004): 65-90.

„Approach of Dialogue in the Holy Qur’an“ Tunisia: Al-Hayat Al- Thaqafiya, Issue No. 148 (2003).

„The Issues of Regeneration: A Reading in the Shifts and the Reasons of Tripping“ Tunisia: Al-Hayat Al- Thaqafiya, Issue No. 142 (2003).

„The Phenomenon of Atonement in the Literature of Jurisprudence“, Tunisia: Al-Hayat AlThaqafiya, Issue No. 137 (2002).

„Killing of the Apostate in Contemporary Islamic Thought: A Critical Reading in the Light of the Qur’anic Text“ Tunisia: Arab Journal of Human Rights, Issue No. 7 (2000): 65-82.

Aufsätze in Sammelbänden

„Modern Methodologies in the Quranic Studies“ Beirut: Madarik, 2011.

„Religious Education – 2 (Analysis)“ United Arab Emirates: Almesbar, 2010.

„The Dilemma of Religious Education in the Muslim World, a debate with Khalid AsSamadi. Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 2007.

“Islam in a Changing World.” Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 2005.

“The Discourse of Islamic Revivalism: Times and Questions. Damascus.“ Dar al-Fikr, 2004.

Weitere Veröffentlichungen

Creation of the charts of genealogy of the source “Jamharat Nasab Quraysh (2 volumes)” by Ibn Bakkar.(A special work to the project „Coranica“ Berlin), 2014.

Extract of the names of places, people, languages and religions of the book “Sifat Jajyrrat Alarab – Description of the Arabian Peninsula” by Ibn Al-Haaek Al-Hamdani (d. 334 AH),. (A special work to the project „Coranica“ Berlin), 2014

A Study and Presentation of the book “Al-bayan fi Al-tamadun wa’asbab ala’mran” by Rafiq Al-Azem, Library of Alexandria (a series of thought renaissance), Dar Al-kitab Alubnani, 2012.

„Al-Bayan in Urbanization and Reasons of Urbanism“ (Al-bayan fi Al-tamadun wa’asbab ala’mran) by Arab thinker and politician Rafik el-Azam, Introduction to the book and a study of the book and the author, as part of the “Re-issuing the Classics of Islamic Heritage in 19th and 20th Centuries/13th and 14th Hijri Centuries” Project. Egypt: Library of Alexandria and Dar Al-kitab Alubnani, 2014.

Encyclopedia-entries in “Encyclopedia Arabs and Muslims figures.” Tunisia: Arab Organization for Education, Science and Culture (Alsco), 2004.

Encyclopedia-entries in “The Facilitator Islamic Encyclopedia”, Aleppo: Dar Sahara1997


Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung – berufliche Positionen

2017 – dito: PostDoc of project LOEWE- Religiöse Positionirung -Islamische Studien

2016 – 2/2017: Fellow of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS), and A visiting scholar at Freie Universität Berlin FU (Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies – BGSMCS).

2014 – 2016: Fellow of Freie Universität Berlin (FU) in the framework of the Institute of International Education (IIE), and A Visiting Scholar at „Corpus Coranicum“ Project at Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

2013 – 2014: Post-Doctoral Fellow in the framework of the research Europe in The Middle East-The Middle East in Europe (EUME), Forum Transregionale Studien- Berlin, and A Visiting Scholar at „Corpus Coranicum“ Project at  Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften).

2006 – 2013: Professor and Member of the Teaching Staff, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Aleppo University, Syria.

2012 – 2013: Head of the Department of Islamic Theology (Usul Al-din) at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Aleppo University, Syria.

2009 – 2013: Director of the Islamic Studies Seminar at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Aleppo University, Syria.

2006 – 2013: Lecturer in the Faculty of Law, Aleppo University, Syria.

2009 – 2010: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Aleppo University, Syria.

2004 – 2006: Professor and Member of the Teaching Staff, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Damascus University, Syria.

2004: PhD in Islamic Studies. Al-Zaytuna University, Tunisia. Dissertation title: “The calling of the Apostles between privacy and Integration in the Qur’an”. (Published)

1998: M.A. in Qur’anic Studies. Al-Zaytuna University, Tunisia. Title of Thesis: “The Freedom of Belief in the Quran” (Hurriyyat al I’tiqaad fi al-Quran). (Published)

1995: Diploma in Islamic Jurisprudence. Damascus University, Syria.

1994: B.A. in Islamic Studies. Damascus University, Syria.

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