Teilprojekt Religionswissenschaften (1.3): „Konstellationen religiöser Positionierung in der Dynamik europäisch-asiatischer Kulturkontakte im 17./18. Jahrhundert“ (Prof. Dr. Wenzel, Mitarbeiter*innen Dr. Karsten Schmidt, Ulrike Kollodzeiski)
Unterprojekt 1 (Dr. Karsten Schmidt)
„Religious Positioning in the Tibetan Writings of the Jesuit Missionary
Ippolito Desideri (1684-1733).“
Unlike any European before the Italian Jesuit Missionary Ippolito
Desideri (1684-1733) managed to master the Tibetan language and engage
in an interreligious Dialog during his stay in central Tibet from 1715
to 1721. In his missionary endeavor he was faced with the task of
transferring information in two directions: presenting Buddhism to a
European audience and Christianity to his Tibetan interlocutors.
In regard to Buddhism he considered a sufficient understanding to be
the precondition for arguing against concepts like “emptiness” – that
posed obstacles for the Tibetans to adopt Christianity. Being a
missionary he strongly criticized those concepts and presented
counterarguments from a Christian background.
The concurrence of taking a critical position and simultaneously
applying a non-reductionistic approach in understanding “the other”
can serve as inspiration for a concept of transferring knowledge
avoiding problems concerning normative relativism, incommensurability
and epistemological foundationalism within interreligious discourse.
Unterprojekt 2 (Ulrike Kollodzeiski)
Details folgen in Kürze.